Take it as a compliment: We don’t think you should ever settle, which is why we’ve entirely designed Jdate to be “easy on the eyes,” convenient to use and, most of all, the best way to meet Jewish singles near you! We are so excited to help you connect with that one perfect person for you. To make connecting easier than ever, we’ve pulled some tips for the perfect profile page:
- An eye-catching layout means your photos are expertly showcased. Pick shots that show the real you – but you at your best.
- Room for details (like hobbies, interests and goals) allows others to get to know you at-a-glance. Focus on your favorites!
- Add a personal quote: a little nugget to share more about yourself, and help people fall for you.
So, how do you polish up your new profile to ensure you shine bright on Jdate? Start with these four quick tips!
1. Get Centered
With an eye-catching layout, it’s easy to put your fave photos on display. However, some members may notice their profile pics are off-centered. Take a moment to check out your profile picture and make sure the image is centered. If it isn’t, try uploading it again to make sure it looks exactly as you want it to look!
2. Get Quoted
One of our favorite features of Jdate allows you to add your favorite quote to your profile. Whether it’s funny, insightful or inspiring, this is the perfect opportunity to share a little more about yourself. Ready to add a quote? Scroll down on your profile page until you see “Enter a quote” and then click on the edit icon in the upper right corner of the box.
3. Get Visual
You can add more visual interest to your profile by selecting your favorite hobbies, interests and activities. Simply scroll down below the quote section to where it says “Things I like to do,” click on the edit icon and add up to 12 of your favorite activities. Once filled out, you’ll have gorgeous new pictures to add to your profile that showcase more about you and your interests.
4. Get Specific
With so many people using Jdate, it’s important to find a way to differentiate yourself. One way to do this is to fill out your entire profile so other Jdaters can get a clear picture of your personality. Another great way to do this is to get specific. Instead of simply saying that you like to cook, showcase what you like to cook by saying something like “I make the best apple pie this side of the Mississippi!”
Follow these four steps to let other daters paint a picture of you in their mind rather than letting yourself blend into the crowd!
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Really! The older (65 to75) good men are gone, dead or picked off immediately after becoming available by the women in their set who are matchmakers at heart. What’s left are men who don’t really want relationships as they don’t want change. If they don’t stand up when you enter the room for a first date it isn’t necessarily bad manners, many can hardly walk (though great activity is in their profiles). And you think women lie about their age. They say they want passionate and smart active successful women, well perhaps what that meant when their mothers were young. So many years after Betty Freidan and my friends and I are being told we are not submissive. So far (3 years) a major waste of time. I can buy my own drinks, dance with 40 year olds and go home to crisp sheets and a great breakfast in the garden with the dogs.
Really? They’re gone? Just a second, I’ve got to look in the mirror again!
Hey, I’m still here!! I don’t want a relationship? Really?
Ah ha! That’s why I must be here then. Reading such posts must make me someone who’s confused and shouldn’t be here at all…?
But wait! I’m still here. Hardly walk? Well, I can hardly run another Marathon being out of shape at this time, but hardly walk? Nahhhh!
You’re being told that you’re not submissive enough? Really? Why would you even go out with a fool like that?
Passionate, smart, active, and successful women? I’m retired now. I may be looking to keep a little busier, but I’m really plenty busy now.
I’m writing two books, Doing volunteer work in the Jewish Community and in other places as well. Can I keep up with you? The question should be: can you keep up with me?
I enjoy being busy – and on the days I don’t, I don’t have to. Who is “they”? Certainly not me.