5 of the Best First Date Ideas (and 5 More to Avoid!)

You may feel like you don’t hear about many great first dates — we’re here to change that. These initial encounters are usually high-pressure situations, but they don’t have to be. Rather than stressing out about the perfect place to take your Jewish partner, many singles would rather connect over the things they share in common, and most of the time, these types of wholesome conversations are much easier when you share the same background and heritage.

While getting to know a person during the dating process can typically require a lot of digging, online matchmaking platforms like Jdate strive to unite fellow Jews with one another using our comprehensive algorithm. This way, we are able to match users through their similar upbringing, as well as lifestyle, spiritual preferences, and future goals. If you know you share these things in common from the beginning. You don’t need to be left wondering about what someone is like. This will allow you both to focus on what’s most important to you during the first date, which can help make a lasting impression from day one.

Here are a few things for single Jewish men and women to consider, from a good place for a first date to the power and promise of cultural connections.

Elevate Your Jewish Dating Experience with Unique First Date Ideas

In the Jewish community, dating plays a pretty significant role according to most family traditions. This is because many Jewish singles hope to find someone who embraces their culture and shares the same beliefs and values as they do. However, that doesn’t mean that great first dates have to be at the synagogue or Jewish community center.

The more creative of an idea you can come up with for a first date, the more memorable the experience will be. It’s also important to remember that while you do want to exhibit your personality and interests, you want to keep the setting casual and make sure that you’re doing an activity that’s mutually enjoyable for both of you. This means you should avoid loud or congested places but also refrain from ideas that are either too intimate or private to ensure the other person is comfortable.

Some options to consider for unique first-date ideas include a novelty restaurant or cafe, a trip to a museum or art gallery of your choosing, or even an immersive experience such as a cooking or pottery class that constitutes an activity over an elongated period in which you can strike up as much conversation as you, please. Not only will your date be excited and impressed that you chose a more non-traditional approach, but bonus points if any of the things you do also have Jewish ties, such as a Hebrew-focused art gallery or Jewish-themed culinary class.

From Coffee to Canvases: Why Diverse First Date Ideas Work

For anyone who’s ever gone on a first date, you probably don’t need to compare notes to know that the majority of these were likely a simple trip to a coffee shop, restaurant, or local bar. However, the ability to divert from these norms will easily stand out to your match because not only does it show you put thought and planning into the occasion, but you also chose something that took their personal interests into account.

When you match on Jdate and discover that the Jewish man or woman you were immediately drawn to has the same infatuations with nature and the outdoors that you do, it’s a no-brainer to invite them on a walk in the neighborhood park or to invite them to join you by a scenic lake for coffee and birdwatching. These are strategies to remain in public while also getting away from the crowds, and because of the type of activity, you don’t need to be worried about time constraints, as you can spend as much or little time as you need.

Another great first date idea is to visit a specialty location, such as a trendy bookstore or the local farmer’s market. Not only are these simple places that inspire lots of browsing and casual events like shopping and people-watching, but if you’re especially interested in books or cooking, you may get some added satisfaction just by being there. These sorts of fun ideas have the ability to break shy or hesitant singles out of their shells, and by showing that you took the time to come up with something out of the ordinary, someone who may have been on the fence about you may give you a chance specifically due to your inventive suggestion.

First Date Ideas to Ignite Connection in Jewish Dating

A final category of first-date ideas to consider are those revolving around your Jewish faith. While these types of first encounters may not be for everyone, the large number of spiritual singles on the Jdate platform say otherwise. The greatest aspect of meeting a partner on a faith-based dating app is that you both have similar values and outlooks on life. And because you both were introduced via parameters you set, you are both likely to be able to attend Jewish-themed events in your local community.

Whether these are held around Jewish holidays, are part of annual festivals or conferences, or are just one-off events hosted by a Jewish organization, they can be an upbeat and interactive occasion in which you can bond over your shared faith. These types of events also have the potential to lead to interactions with others whom one of you may or may not know, helping you make further connections with your surrounding community and possibly even helping you introduce your date to others for the first time. While this may not be your intention, your date will still likely be more pleased about your dedication to faith rather than assuming you were prioritizing being surrounded by the comfort of your peers.

It may seem obvious to some, but there are places where you definitely should – or should not – go on a first date. That’s why I’ve put together this handy guide to the best and worst first date ideas. If your date suggests something on the “worst” list, then gently suggest something on the “best” list. And if your date continues to insist on a place on the “worst” list, then perhaps you need to look deeper and consider what type of date, and what kind of person, this really is. Meanwhile, you can be encouraged by a date who suggests something from the “best” list!

Best First Date Ideas

1. A nice restaurant: This may be a chain restaurant or a well-known local place, but it’s not too casual nor is it too expensive. Think of places like Seasons 52, P.F. Chang’s or even Cheesecake Factory. This is not Friday’s or Applebee’s. It may be standard and not particularly special to go to a “nice restaurant,” but you know the food and the service will be good, so you can be left to focus on the conversation and chemistry instead.

2. A hole-in-the-wall, unknown but awesome restaurant: You know that sushi place in that strip mall, the one in the corner off that main street? You drive by it but have never stopped in, yet you hear people raving about it. That’s the type of place I’m referring to here. It’s the Thai place that’s hidden down the side street, or the Mexican food restaurant that’s 10 minutes outside the city. This is a date that is thinking outside the box and introducing you to new experiences. Pretty cool.

3. Miniature golfing: There might be loud teenagers running around, the grip on the golf club may be ripping and the idea might sound silly, but miniature golfing is a great first date because you can be interactive and let loose. Who said first dates had to occur at a table over drinks or food? You can even keep score and make a bet on what the loser has to do, like plan the next date!

4. Bowling: This is similar to the idea above. You get to move around and be a little competitive. You can drink cheap beer, eat nachos and laugh over how bad your last gutter ball was. As with golfing, there’s also an opportunity for touch when the better golfer or bowler shows the lesser inclined the proper form. There’s music in the background, and you’re both wearing the same ugly shoes.

5. Farmer’s market: This is the best of both worlds: a food date that’s on your feet. Here’s a chance to walk and talk, taste different foods, see what your date’s opinion is on organic, gluten free, vegetarianism, hemp jewelry, farm-to-table, crepes, juicing, food trucks, and so on. Don’t go about this with a judgmental approach – no one is going to like all the same things you do, otherwise life might be easy but quite boring. Just enjoy getting to know each other through your friendly neighborhood businesses.

Worst First Date Ideas

1. The movies or a concert: The reason why movies top the worst list is pretty obvious – you’re going somewhere with someone you just met to sit next to each other in the dark and watch something where it would be rude to talk. Save the movies for later, like when you’re at least at the hand-holding stage. The same thing goes with a concert. Music is a fantastic area to find commonality, but it’s not a super-smart place for a first date because you can’t exactly hold a conversation. This is a great date idea after you’ve been together awhile and want to surprise the other person with tickets when their favorite band is in town.

2. An overly fancy restaurant: Sure, getting dressed up is fun and going to restaurant that you wouldn’t typically dine at is awesome, but it’s a bit much for someone you don’t know. Not only do you not need to be spending that type of money on a first date, but you also don’t need to go somewhere that you have to be on your best behavior and can’t relax. And if the date sucks, you aren’t stuck footing the whole bill, half the bill or feeling guilty for not offering to split the bill. Save these places for a birthday or anniversary.

3. A family gathering: Things come up, I get it. You had plans for a date, and then Mom called and said that your cousins from the other coast are in town and you need to go to your aunt’s for dinner because you haven’t seen each other for years and blah blah blah. And of course, Mom is totally cool with you bringing someone that you’ve never met before because you were at least matched on JDate! No. Just no. First dates are not the time to meet the family. Call your date and reschedule. Don’t just cancel with the promise to reschedule because your prospect will think you’ve changed your mind about them. Make another date on the spot so they know you’re interested. And text them a pic of you and your cousins recreating your awkward family photo from the ’80s (but don’t make texting a habit quite yet) to confirm to them that you cancelled for a legit reason and that it wasn’t some excuse.

4. A friend’s party: You can miss one party, it won’t kill you. We all get FOMO, but giving 100% to a first date is more important than not missing out on another one of your friend’s parties. If there’s a really important reason for the party – a monumental birthday, a death/celebration of life, a reunion – then follow the advice above and reschedule your date pronto.

5. Your house: There’s no reason why a first date needs to take place at anyone’s house. If your date insists on cooking dinner for your first date, don’t think, “Oh, how sweet!” Instead, you should think, “All he or she wants to do is hook up” because that’s the truth. If a date is into you, they will make the effort to find a nice place to meet up with you and get to know you.

What other places do you think belong on the best and worst list for first dates? Share your success stories (and horror stories) in the comment section!

You may also be interested in 5 Unique, Fun First Date Ideas: Breaking Away From The Norm

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