Recently Divorced? How Online Dating Helps You Get Your Chutzpah Back

Starting over after a divorce is no easy feat, but when you are ready to date again, online dating is the way to go! But how do you know you’re ready to take a dip back into the ol’ dating pool? You wouldn’t want to take a chance on dating too soon and ruin regaining your chutzpah! First and foremost, review this readiness checklist:

  • You don’t want your ex back in any shape or form and there is an absolute and definitive break between the two of you. No one deserves to be in the middle of your marital warfare.
  • You’re not a crying mess over the divorce and you feel happy for the most part. Entering the dating pool depressed is a bad idea.
  • Your life is in line; you know where you’re living, where you’re working and you have a divorce agreement in the works or finished. You are not in the middle of a divorce battle or have nowhere to live.
  • You enjoy time alone and with friends and are not looking to heal your wounds through someone else as no one else can fix you.

Once you can confidently check off this list, you’re ready to date! But where should you begin? Online dating is actually one of the best ways for recently divorced individuals to get back in the game. Here are four ways online dating helps you start dating again when you’re divorced.

You Relearn The Scene
What’s the dating pool look like nowadays? Online dating tells you in a flash what the scene is like. You’ll see it in what people say on their online profiles and who is single (the age range, personality types, etc.). Plus, you’ll see that you’re entering a dating world with lots of other divorced singles, so you’re not alone. Best of all, profiles make it easy to see who will understand your circumstances.

You Set The Pace
Online dating lets you dip your toe in … or your whole body, depending on what you are looking for and ready to do.

  • Looking for a casual dalliance? You’ll find it.
  • Looking for new friends? Probable, although most people want some romance to varying degrees.
  • Looking to date around and have fun? Totally possible.
  • Looking for love? Also totally possible.

You set the pace when you date online; for the best results, express exactly what you are looking to gain when you create your profile.

You Go Outside Your Comfort Zone
Chances are, some of your social circles have changed, whether just slightly to rather drastically, after your divorce. By venturing into the online world, you are now able to meet people outside of your social circle that have no attachment to your old memories. It makes going outside your comfort zone a little more … well, comfortable.

You Get Your Chutzpah Back
Did your ex make you feel unattractive? Watching your profile get hits and going out on dates will remind you that you still got it!

Online dating is the perfect way to rev up your love life again. Not every date will be perfect, but even if you meet someone who’s fun and casual, a little romance and flirtation can do a body and soul very good.

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