4 Reasons To Celebrate Your Single Life On Singles Day

Here’s something that might surprise you: today is the 8th annual Singles Day. This is a unique tradition in China where consumers celebrate being single by doing a little (or a lot of) online shopping. Think Cyber Monday, but for the singles set. It’s organized by the Chinese retailer Alibaba, and it’s not just some made-up holiday that goes unnoticed. In fact, Singles Day 2014 generated about $9.3 billion in sales. Compare that to Cyber Monday, which generated about $2 million the same year.

So what makes this event worth mentioning? Singles Day may not be a “thing” here in the States, but there’s something to be said for single men and women taking a day to treat themselves to a little fun. This holiday focuses on online shopping, but you could do your own version of a Singles Day that involves doing something you love, whether it’s going on a hike, getting together with your other single friends or eating at your favorite restaurant.

Sure, there are some things about being single that aren’t so fun. But sometimes it’s great to remember that there are plenty of positives to this part of your life. Here are just a few reasons to celebrate your singleness on Singles Day – or any day!

1. Freedom To Make A Change

People in relationships can try new things, but it’s a lot easier to make a big change in your life when you don’t have to take a spouse into account. Want to move to a new city? Go for it! Itching to travel the world? Now’s the time! Take advantage of the ability to make decisions on your own and develop yourself further during your single years. Your future spouse will be rewarded with a husband or wife who has learned a lot and discovered more about who they are by being adventurous.

2. Less Pressure During The Holidays

There can be a lot of tough issues that come with being coupled up at the holidays. Whose family will you spend Passover or Hanukkah with? What will it be like to meet his parents? Will you mesh well with your girlfriend’s extended family and vice versa? Holidays can still be fun if you’re in a relationship, but not having to deal with these things as a single person definitely makes them a little more enjoyable.

3. Creating Your Own Schedule

Lots of couples spend a lot of time doing things together. That’s lovely, but it also means that you spend half your free time doing what the other person wants to do. As a single guy or gal, your free time is entirely up to you. You can spend it hanging out with friends, binging your favorite TV show or going shopping for some new clothes.

4. More Time To Help Others

Finding the time to volunteer gets a lot trickier once you’re married and start having kids. When you’re single, you can take the opportunity to dedicate some of your time to helping others. There’s an added bonus to this, too. On those days when being single gets you down, nothing puts things in perspective like helping someone who really needs it.

What do you love about being single? Take time to treat yourself and remember what it is that makes this part of life worth celebrating.

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