Jdate to Soul Mate: Tips for Finding Online Love from Real Success Couples

1. Read a lot of profiles, all the time. That way you will be savvy at sorting through the opportunities quickly. Also, do not be afraid to look at the profiles of your competition to see how you present yourself compared to them.

Jennifer and Mitchell, Royal Oak, Michigan

2. Don’t give up! Be yourself and keep at it. And make sure the first date is always a coffee date!

Ilene and Greg, Oak Park, California

3. You can post up to four pictures on your profile, so don’t just use one head shot. Use action photos or pictures that tell a story.

Victoria and Jeff, Playa Del Rey, California

4. I wanted to speak to people on the phone rather than have extended email contact. Speaking allows the personality to show; otherwise you tend to project aspirations onto someone who you just write to. Be yourself!

Mark and Lauren, London, England

5. We can be physically attracted to many people, and that is very important, however, there is so much more. Don’t rush through the dating experience.

Michelle and Brian, Vancouver, British Columbia

6. My advice to those searching for that perfect person is not to limit your search by restricting yourself to a specific geographic location. Have an open mind and a sense of adventure. You never know what might happen…you might just find what you are looking for!

Samantha and Glenn, Calabasas, California

7. Just because you don’t hit it off on the first try, don’t give up! It took Ricky and me a couple of conversations before we really clicked.

Jenni and Ricky, Gainesville and Wellington, Florida

8. If you are too vague [in your profile], it tells people you are not selective and will settle. I think being very descriptive and filling everything out helped…

Katie and Scott, Nashville, Tennessee

9. You are never too old to find the love of your life.

Paula and Bob, Pittsford, New York

10. Honesty is the most important thing…patience and tenacity comes in a close second.

Dina and Jesse, Los Angeles, California

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