8 Signs That Your Boyfriend Is About To Propose

You’re in deep and ready to spend the rest of your life with this guy … if he would only ask you to be his wife!

You’re not exactly sure whether your man sees wedding bells in your future. It’s not an obvious “yes” (you haven’t heard him speak of ring shopping), but you’re not sure it’s a “no” either. When you are ready to get married and wondering where you stand with someone, it’s highly nerve-wracking. Take these things into consideration when trying to analyze if your Jewish boyfriend is going to ask you to marry him … or not.

1. Are You Already Living Together?

If you’re already living together and sharing finances together, it’s definitely a sign in the right direction. Of course, there are guys that can be a “boyfriend” for decades and never pop the question. But if he’s still living separately from you, you have a good indicator that he’s not ready to pop the question.

2. What’s The Income To Ring Ratio?

Is your guy the type of man who will do a basic ring, or does he need to put some serious bling on his lady? You know what type of guy he is.

If he’s the type to want to flash cash, you can analyze your chances of a proposal by simply knowing his finances. If he’s storing away like a busy beaver, let’s cross our fingers and hope that extra work is for your big engagement ring.

If he’s the type to go simple, and has plenty of dough to show, you can pretty much cross off “income-to-ring ratio” as being a factor in his proposal choice.

3. Are You Attending Frequent Family Meetings?

Are you suddenly seeing his family a lot? Are they asking you more questions than usual? Your boyfriend may have told them that he is considering making you a permanent part of his life.

Are you spending less time with his family, while he visits them alone? This isn’t a good sign for your future wedding, unless of course you don’t like his family and he’s keeping you from having to deal with them.

4. Is He Setting Sudden Getaway Plans?

Are you two destined for a vacation or whirlwind getaway? Oh girl, I hope that an exciting proposal is headed your way! The signs point in your favor if you know he’s the type of guy who would want to make it a surprise proposal.

5. Is He Setting Time Aside?

Is your boyfriend setting time aside for you more and more? Or is he incredibly busy and distant? Sure, he could be busy working to squirrel away money for a proposal, but it’s more likely that he’s pulling away to decrease the commitment level rather than make it a permanent partnership.

Of course, if he is spending extra time with you, this is a very good sign.

6. Does His Idea Of Fun Start With You?

Yes, he has his friends and he loves his guy time. But when he wants to plan something or enjoy something he finds fun and carefree, you’re the first person he wants to share it with. He loves spending time with you and he makes that clear.

7. Is He Slowing Down The Bachelor Nights?

Suddenly, your main squeeze is slowing down his guy’s night out calendar. Of course, you still want him to see his friends, but if you find he’s “nesting” in any way (investing time in your apartment or house, spending more time with your family, slowing down his bachelor practices), he could be prepping for a major move.

8. Is He Talking About Marriage Or Future Plans?

If he’s talking about marriage directly or simply discussing future long-term plans like buying property, planning a vacation or raising a family, this is a man who sees you as a potentially permanent part of his life.

Use these tips to stay clued in to your guy’s intentions. And of course, don’t forget that you can simply bring up the topic of marriage if it’s on your mind; you don’t have to be completely passive even if you want him to be the one to propose!

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