Alyssa and Avi: "We may never have met if it weren't for my mother encouraging me to join Jdate."


It all started five years ago in Seattle, when my mother handed me a 100 dollar bill and pleaded with me to sign up for a one-year membership on JDate. I counter offered her at 20 dollars and agreed to try it out for one month. I was pretty skeptical about using an online dating service. However, I was determined to find a good, Jewish man in Seattle’s rather small Jewish population. Little did I know that only about a mile away, Avi was already on JDate waiting for me.

It was during my last week on JDate when I decided to do my own search. I came across Avi’s handsome face and rather comedic profile. Finally, here was someone with a sense of humor that made this whole process just a little less intimidating! So I emailed Avi, “Any luck on here?” He promptly responded back, “Not really. I must be doing something wrong.” I emailed back, “I find that hard to believe.” And so the conversation began. After almost a month of emailing each other back and forth, and talking on the phone, we finally got up the nerves to go out on our first date. Well to be fair, I rescheduled twice because I had cold feet. Our first date quickly turned into a second date, and we’ve been inseparable ever since.

Three years after our first date, while surrounded by our family and friends at our wedding rehearsal dinner, my mother proudly proclaimed in her speech: “We couldn’t be happier with our new son-in-law. I tell everyone he’s a Jewish mother’s dream come true. It was indeed the best 20 dollars I ever spent.” A day later, Avi, a software engineer from Toronto, Canada, and Alyssa, a marketing professional and musician from Seattle, Washington were married.

Avi and I may never have met if it weren’t for my mother encouraging me to join JDate. We are forever grateful to both her, and of course to JDate, for making it all possible. L’Chaim!

Alyssa and Avi
Seattle, Washington

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One Comment
  1. One of the most beautiful online dating stories I’ve ever heard! Mazel tov. Sending love your way!

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