Amy and Aaron

Dear JDate,

cont-mt-amy-aaronWe are Aaron and Amy. We met on JDate in February 2000. We were engaged in August 2000, and we married in Walterboro, South Carolina, my hometown, on March 24, 2001.

I joined JDate in 1998, which was during my second year in grad school and about a year after I moved to Austin, Texas. Over the course of the year, I had a good number of JDates, most of them only first dates–nice boys, no chemistry. Poor Aaron, who joined only a few months before we met, had little luck; he met one woman who decided she just wanted to be “friends,” and otherwise, I was the only one who responded to his message. I could tell from the picture on his profile that this was a guy who was nice to his mother. After talking on the phone once, we set up a date.

He showed up, not with flowers, but with the current issue of Cooking Light (I had told him that it was my favorite magazine but didn’t have a subscription). A few weeks later, after a trip to Disney World, he brought me back a tiny glass frog because he had seen a frog print in my living room and the frog shower curtain. Here’s a man who notices details in a very thoughtful way. I knew right away that I wanted to marry him. Once he took me to a company party, and I told a coworker of his that he didn’t know it yet, but I was going to marry him. Months later, after we had set a wedding date, he ran into this coworker, who jokingly asked when the wedding was. “March 24,” he replied immediately. She did a double-take and told him what I had said so long ago. We still laugh over it. And now, we even work at the same company, he as an engineer in Research and Development and I in Technical Communications. It’s a nice set-up.

Amy & Aaron
Austin, Texas

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