Anna & Jordan: "We are so happy and grateful for Jdate."

JDate is responsible for more Jewish marriages than all other dating sites combined! But we’ve got more than just statistics to back it up. In our “Success Stories” feature, you’ll meet real couples who found love online.

Anna & Jordan

Anna and I have been through a wild ride throughout the last two and a half years, culminating last month with us getting engaged!

Our story started simply enough: getting drinks at Whisky Blue Buckhead in Atlanta to feel each other out. We barely touched our drinks, however, because we were so busy chatting. One date led to another, and another and another. We both blinked and it was already insinuated that we would be spending our whole weekends together. Things happen so fast!

We went on many trips: NYC, Pittsburgh, Florida, Knoxville, Memphis, Chattanooga, the list goes on and on. We had deep conversations, went whitewater rafting, hiking, to movies, on walks – all of the things JDate matched us on.

After two years and some change, I surprised my fiancé on the top of Blood Mountain with a proposal. We are so happy and grateful for the medium for us to meet: JDate! Thank you for all you do!


Did you find love online? Submit your story to share how you met your soulmate on JDate.


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