Barbara and Michael

Dear JDate,

cont-mt-barbara-michaelI met my one true love on September 4, 2003 at a Starbucks coffee shop.

We met on Thursday evening, September 4, 2003, and from the beginning, I knew that there was something very special about her. You see, before meeting Barbra, I had probably gone on about 100 JDates with varying degrees of success. I did have a few good dates, and I made a few friends, but I was beginning to lose faith in the system.

When I arrived and spotted her already waiting for me, we shyly said hello and shook hands. Then, because I was so nervous I said, “Owww, that’s quite a strong grip you have there!” After she gave a polite laugh to my feeble attempt at humor, we ordered coffee and decided to take a table outside to enjoy the evening weather and chat.

The next thing I knew, three hours had zipped by! I had just met this woman a few short hours ago, but I felt as if I had been catching up with an old friend. As the evening progressed, my attempts to get her to laugh were much more successful, and soon, I found myself wanting to hold her hand.

Pretty soon, the time came for the coffee shop to close for the evening. We, however, were not quite ready for the date to end, so we took a walk around the neighborhood. I began to get nervous because I wanted very much to kiss her, but I also wanted to be a gentleman and not rush things along too quickly.

“What should I do?” I kept asking myself. I finally decided to play it safe. When the time finally came to part ways, I gave her a hug, a kiss on the hand and I told her what a wonderful time I had and that I wished to see her again.

After waiting a reasonable amount of time, I gave her a call to say goodnight and to ensure that she got home safely — a pretty classy move in my book. We chatted for a few more minutes, made plans to see each other in a few days and then said goodnight.

After the happiest 9 months of my life, I asked her to be my wife while on vacation to celebrate her birthday. We plan to be wed in April of 2005.


Michael & Barbra
Atlanta, Georgia

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