Barrie and Peter

Dear JDate,

cont-mt-barrie-peterI found your web site to be an excellent venue (far superior to a bar or club) in which to meet single Jewish women. And in December 1999, I found the profile and met the woman that would finally bring my dating days to a successful conclusion. Upon reading Barrie’s profile, I found that her essays described an intelligent and vibrant woman. Her photos depicted a vision to fuel any man’s fantasy. I knew that if I didn’t act quickly this highly desirable lady would soon be “off the market.” Therefore, moments after discovering Barrie on, I sent her an email telling her how excited I was to have come across her profile.

After exchanging a couple of emails, we met near her office for lunch. Her photos were an injustice to the physical beauty that sat across from me. And the effervescent personality I inferred from her profile was captivating. When I returned to my office, I immediately sent Barrie an email telling her how much I enjoyed meeting her and that I was looking forward to seeing her again. Much to my surprise she suggested I join her for a drink that evening. I jumped at the opportunity. We drank and talked into the wee hours and had a great time that night. I knew that I wanted to spend much more time with this lovely lady.

But Barrie was not that easy a catch. Over the next two months, we saw each other sporadically. Barrie was dating other men she’d met on and was being cautious about jumping head first into the wrong relationship. Thankfully, my persistence and promises won her over or wore her down. In late February, we declared our love for each other and made a pact to deactivate our profiles.

We’ve just moved into our new house and have our wedding and Hawaiian honeymoon scheduled for January 2001. Thanks for helping me discover the woman that makes me happier than I’ve ever been and with whom I want to live the rest of my life.

Much gratitude, from your former members…

Barrie & Peter
Sherman Oaks, California

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