Dear JDate,
My fiancé and I wanted to share our happy ending with you, since you played a pivotal role in our finding each other!
The summer before we met, both of us had ended a 4 year relationship and spent the next year searching for each other. My sister posted my profile on JDate (as a way to inspire me to begin dating again), and Dan had decided to try it out as well. After a few months of failed JDates, we finally found each other! We knew almost instantly that we had a connection. We felt that we truly were soul mates.
After only knowing each other for two weeks, Dan went off on a planned month-long trip to Europe. So we emailed each other almost daily, and he called as often as he could. This month-long separation forced us to learn more about each other the hard way — over the Internet. (I guess it’s only fitting since it is how we met!)
When Dan returned, we realized right away that we were in love, and our strong connection could never be broken. We spent the next 6 months blissfully happy. We went to New York and DC, where I met his parents, and he surprised me with a cruise to Mexico in November. So when our birthdays came around, I knew it was going to be special. I just didn’t realize it would change my life!
My birthday falls on February 6th, and Dan’s falls on February 7th. So Dan decided to surprise me with a trip to San Francisco, stopping in Las Vegas first. So we went to Vegas and stayed at the Paris Hotel. He took me up to the top of the Eiffel Tower and told me we weren’t actually going to San Francisco. In fact, we were going first class to Paris, France!!!!
So, off we went the very next morning to Paris, arriving on my birthday. That night, we went and had dinner in the Eiffel Tower. Afterwards, we went up to the top. I pulled him aside to tell him how wonderful it was that the night before we were in Las Vegas, in the fake Eiffel Tower, overlooking our hotel room, and here we were the very next day overlooking our hotel room from the real Eiffel Tower. At that point, Dan started to tell me how much he loved me, how we were meant to be and that he had a very important question for me. And then he was down on one knee proposing marriage! Of course, I said yes, through many tears, and then we spent the rest of the week touring through beautiful Paris!
We are now planning our wedding for April 2005. We wanted to share our success story with you so you could post it and share it with others. Dan and I couldn’t be happier and couldn’t be more right for each other. I am in awe of Dan everyday and still can’t believe how lucky I am to have found such a wonderful person to love and to love me. We are soul mates and truly believe fate brought us together. And JDate, of course!
Thank you for bringing me my true love!!
Becca & Dan
Phoenix, Arizona