Caren and Aaron

Dear JDate,

cont-mt-caren-aaronAt the urging of my best friend, I signed on to JDate in the winter of 2001. Date after date, mis-match after mis-match, I was ready to give up. I was on and off the site for two years. Then one night in February of 2003, I said I would give it one more try.

I was searching on the site and came across Aaron’s profile. His smile struck me, and he seemed like an all-around great guy. I decided to bite the bullet one last time and sent him an email. He wrote back the very next day, and we chatted for a while via email. Then, on a random Thursday morning, I went back on JDate and saw that Aaron was also online. I was surprised, as he should have been at work. And I knew if he was at work, he would not be on JDate. He had taken a personal day and was unsure how he would fill the day. I told him to spend the day emailing me. He had a better idea. He asked me if I would like to have lunch. He came to my office and took me to lunch, and it was the quickest hour of my life. We had so much in common, so much to talk about and non-stop laughter. I hated going back to work. But I did, with the biggest smile on my face. That night he asked me out for the following Saturday night, and our relationship just grew from there.

About 10 months later, I was in Florida for the Thanksgiving holiday, and Aaron flew down a few days later to be with my family and me. When I picked him up from the airport, we had planned to go to the Delray Beach Marriott, a hotel that we had stayed at and loved. He said we had a lunch reservation. Then, he tricked me into going to a room with an ocean view because the last time we were there, we faced the parking lot, and he wanted to see what a room with a view was like. For some reason, I bought this excuse, and we went up to a beautiful suite overlooking the ocean. The view was phenomenal. I was on the balcony, taking in the sights and taking pictures. When I turned around, he had the ring box sitting on the table. I froze. I cried. He asked me how I would feel about being his wife for the rest of my life. After many tears of joy and after catching my breath, I, of course, said that I would love to.

On April 9th 2005, Aaron and I were married back at the Delray Beach Marriott. It was truly the most magical night of our lives. We both marvel that we are not only husband and wife, but we are the very best of friends. Thank you JDate. Just when I was ready to give up, your site saved me. We are now just weeks from our 1st wedding anniversary, and we can’t wait to see how the rest of our story turns out. We’ll keep you posted.

Caren & Aaron
New York City, New York

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