Carrie and Scott

Dear JDate,

cont-mt-carrie-scottI never created a profile on JDate with true hopes of finding the one, but I got lucky. After going out on many first, sometimes second, but allunsuccessful, dates over the span of about 6 months, I decided that I would give JDate one last chance. I sent a tease to an attractive man from New York, now living in Minnesota, just to see what would happen. Little did I know that tease would lead me to my future husband.

On June 25, 2003, I met my beshert, my soul mate, my best friend, and my now fiance Scott came to Minnesota from Buffalo, New York to attend law school. He signed on to JDate in hopes of meeting Jews in Minnesota. Neither of us had ever seriously dated a Jewish person before, but we knew it was what we ultimately wanted for our future, family, and life. A day or so before Igot gutsy enough to tease Scott, his cousin in Maryland had sent Scott a link to my JDate profile. Scott felt I was too young for him and did not want to make any first move. That view changed quickly after I broke the contact barrier. After a few short weeks of lengthy emails and phone calls, Scott and I met for our first date a first date that was the best and the last first date either of us will ever have.

We were both terribly nervous, and it was obvious in conversation. I said very little, and what I didn’t say he made up for by taking over the conversation. Our first date, a lovely dinner, was a 3 hour date! We talked about everything that night — family, friends, dating, love, happiness, and hobbies. Scott told me about skydiving in Europe, and when I mentioned I had always wanted to go skydiving, he said if this works out, I ll take you on our 1-year anniversary. That night, we both went home knowing that this time was different, this person was different, and this was IT. After less than a week of dating, we felt as if we’d known each other forever. We were together every day, going out, staying in, and even traveling to Buffalo to visit his family after a month-and-a-half of dating.Our relationship blossomed quickly, much faster than either of us had ever imagined from a Jewish online dating service! But I guess that what happens when you find your one true love.

Scott kept that promise of an exciting 1-year anniversary date, and we went skydiving in Wisconsin. He went first, and I followed. As I landed, I was filled with adrenaline from freefalling 45 seconds out of a plane from 11,000 feet above the ground. Scott was there to greet me as I landed, with a proposal I would never forget. As my harness was unhooked, I went over to hug him, got my arms around him, and then I looked down and saw him on one knee! That day we took two leaps — one from a plane, and one in to our future. That night we had a celebratory dinner at the restaurant where we had our first date. 1 year and two weeks after our first date here we are planning our wedding.

I had never understood what people meant when they said that when you’re truly in love and the person is right that you just know until I met Scott. Scott truly is my better half, and I am his. The line from Jerry Maguire, you complete me, has taken on a whole new meaning. Some people spend their whole lives searching for that one person that truly completes them, makes them feel special and better than ever before. We are two of the lucky ones — we did not have to wait a lifetime to find one another.

Never give up on true love. Just when you least expect it, JDate will come through then, when you are engaged and people ask where you met, you cansay JDate – a Jewish online dating service! Whether they believe you or not is up to them.

Carrie & Scott
St. Paul, Minnesota and Buffalo, New York

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