Jdate is responsible for more Jewish marriages than all other dating sites combined! But we’ve got more than just statistics to back it up. In our “Success Stories” feature, you’ll meet real couples who found love online.
How did you meet? What was your first date like? Give us all the details!
Prior to Jdate, I had never dated before and had just come out of an eight-year relationship; Todd had also just ended a relationship. My roommate at the time created my profile and convinced me to join, and Todd joined after purchasing his subscription through Groupon.
Before we began communicating, I had undergone several wretched Jdates over the course of a few weeks. Todd says I was “his first and last ‘ping’ on Jdate.” Our first exchange went as follows: Todd said, “I really like your profile, and you seem very artsy. I’d love to take you out sometime,” to which I responded, frustrated from my last male encounters on Jdate, with “oh, no thanks. I’m actually in the process of canceling my subscription. Not interested.” His unique (dare I say sexy!) response was, “I’m not asking you to marry me, I’m asking you to coffee.” At that point, I knew he was a keeper and agreed to meet him.
Todd and I had a phenomenal first date (close to seven hours!),
Todd and I had a phenomenal first date (close to seven hours!), but were both anxious. We met at a local coffee joint that was closing up (I was a jerk and purposely late), but the owner was sweet enough to let us hang out as she cleaned because she could tell we were on a date. It was clear there was an immediate attraction between us – physically and emotionally. We talked non-stop! I admired how transparent he was about everything, despite being quite the opposite of what I ever saw myself dating. I was the “goody two-shoes” and he the “rebel.” Once the generous coffee shop owner was ready to leave, we decided to continue our evening at the restaurant next door. That also wasn’t enough! So, we walked up and down Little Italy in downtown San Jose, arms entwined, and ended the night with a steamy make-out session – twice!
Describe the moment you knew it was true love!
Todd and I come from different upbringings and have experienced life quite differently than other; however, our close family bonds, Judaism, career goals, morale and sense of humor (among others) have always been aligned. We knew we loved one another not long after we began officially dating, and expressed it during a challenging time (yet another reason why I knew he was a keeper).
I knew right away that I loved Todd in a way I’ve never loved anything or anyone before because of his imperfections. He puts things into perspective for me when I can’t see straight; he makes time and finds creative ways to help me when he has other pressing matters to handle; he has an uncanny devotion to his family, friends and career; but, above all things, he makes me laugh every day.
Life is the best it’s ever been, and will only get better with him by my side … especially as my husband!
Since we started dating, Todd and I have lived together for two years, adopted a beautiful, loving dog named Sampson, and our careers have taken off! Life is the best it’s ever been, and will only get better with him by my side … especially as my husband!
What advice would you give other Jdaters?
It’s easy to know right away if someone isn’t right for you; trust your instincts. When you’ve met the right one, they will make you laugh, love and learn in a way you never thought possible, and you feel it every day. Keep an open mind, and take risks.
When you’ve met the right one, they will make you laugh, love and learn in a way you never thought possible
My cousin Brian and his wife Amy met on Jdate (they were even used as models on Jdate billboards in Hollywood!), and Todd’s older brother, Reese, also met his wife on Jdate. You won’t be disappointed!
Did you find love on Jdate? Share your story to inspire other members! Still looking? Sign up with Jdate and start down to the road to a Success Story of your own!