Cindy and Jason

Dear JDate,

cont-mt-cindy-jasonJason: I had been on JDate for a long time before I met Cindy. When I was just about to give up, I saw Cindy’s profile. I read it and realized this was the profile of a person I had always wanted to find and hoped she would reply to my email. I remember being nervous as I awaited her arrival at P.F. Changs for our first date. From the moment we sat down, I was relaxed and knew I had finally found someone special. For the first time on a first date, I didn’t want this date to end, and I could hardly wait until our next date. Eighteen months later, we still can’t spend enough time with each other. Last December, I took Cindy back to P.F. Changs for dinner and proposed. Obviously, she said yes.

Cindy: I had only been on JDate for 10 days before I received Jason’s email. I was excited and intrigued, and we began emailing back and forth. I thought he was wonderful and everything I was looking for, but that this was too good to be true! Our first date was perfect, and I couldn’t wait for the next one. I thought this was still too good to be true, so I continued to email and date other people from JDate. I realized that I began leaving dates early and canceling dates to be with Jason. After calling him one night at 10:30, he drove in a torrential rain storm to come see me for coffee; I knew this was the one. Each day is better than the last, and he simply lights up my life.

The ironic thing is that we grew up approximately six miles from each other, did all the same things and went to all the same places growing up. When we met, we lived 11 miles away from each other. If not for JDate, we may have never met!

We were married August 6, 2006.

Cindy & Jason
Birmingham, Michigan

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