Cyndie and Bob

I was one of the original members on JDate. After I got divorced and signed up on JDate, my original number was around 64,000. I spent a lot of years on JDate with the occasional 1-2 year relationship over a period of about 10 years.  My preferences were very specific – too specific. In 2007, after the loss of my twin sister, I decided I really wanted to pursue a relationship that would lead to marriage. My kids were 17 and 14 and my ex-husband had already found his new wife.  My kids wanted to see me find my Mr. Rightstein (which was the tagline in my profile). 

Bob had been viewing my profile online trying to reach me.  Because he wasn’t in the range of height in my search request, he never came up in my searches.  He was persistent.  I had recently bought my son red-eared slider turtles and the man I was seeing was taking care of them. I posted a note on my profile that I was looking for a guy to take care of the turtles. 

Bob finally got in touch with me. He was so sweet.  His first comment to me was “When I look at you I see us.” What a great opening line.  He told me his son had the same turtles and worked close to my home.  He said he would send his son to clean the turtle tank after work.  Bob was a smart man.  After work, he showed up himself.  He had no idea what to do with the turtles, but he gave his best effort. After hammering and banging to get the filter changed, I rewarded him by letting him take me to dinner.

There was instant chemistry and we both knew right away.  Bob spent the next few weeks trying to get all of the guys from JDate to stop calling me and it wasn’t an easy task.

We dated for almost six months and became engaged.  We were married on April 19, 2009 and have been the perfect couple since then.  We have four kids: David age 25, Carly age 20, Cassie age 20 and Evan age 17. We are blessed to have an amazing grandson, Judah, who is almost two years old. 

I would recommend JDate to anyone.  Without JDate, Bob and I would have never met.  The site lets you experience dating and meeting lots of new people. When you finally meet the right person, all the years of monthly fees and dating is so worth it! 

Cyndie and Bob
Hampstead, Maryland

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