Debbie and Rick

Dear JDate,

cont-mt-debbie-rickLittle did we know that December 9, 2000 would be the first day of the rest of our lives… together!

Our story begins in October 2000 when I received the first email from Rick. His profile looked GREAT! He lived 100 miles away, and although I had no intention of relocating, I decided to answer it anyway.

After sending emails back and forth for a few days, the phone calls began. Rick and I spent countless hours on the phone each night, really getting to know each other… talking, laughing, telling stories etc. He was divorced with three children, ages 4, 9 and 16. I was divorced with a 4 year old son. After two months of outrageous phone bills, we decided to meet in person. He was coming to visit!

We were both VERY excited and, of course, a little nervous to meet the person whom we had each gotten to know so well in the past two months. We decided to meet at a nice restaurant for dinner and, assuming things were going well, meet my friends at a holiday party. Finally, the time had come!

Rick arrived carrying a dozen beautiful red roses. We were both smiling from ear to ear as if being reunited with a best friend we hadn’t seen in years. We held hands, talked and laughed for hours. I promised to call my mother from the ladies’ room to let her know how things were going. She was surprised to get a call from Rick telling her not to worry, things were great!

We continued our long distance relationship for six months, seeing each other every weekend. Eventually, we met each other’s children and families and spent more time together. With the school year beginning in August, we knew that if we were going to take our relationship to the next step, it needed to be done that summer or wait another year. Neither of us wanted to wait, we knew we wanted to be together. In June 2001 my son and I made the move!

As time went on, the relationships ALL continued to grow. Our number one priority, our children, loved each other from the very beginning. Rick and I were both learning the role of “step-parent,” and the kids were learning with us. There were adjustments to be made on everyone’s part.

Over the next year and a half, the “M” word was mentioned quite a few times but neither of us was in a big hurry. We were very happy with our life the way it was, although we knew it was inevitable. In March 2003, we went out for a nice, romantic dinner. We talked about us, our kids and how blessed we were. After dinner, Rick proposed. He placed a beautiful ring on my finger, told me how much he loved me and asked me to marry him. Needless to say, I said yes! We celebrated our second anniversary on June 14th, and he still brings me roses every week!

Debbie & Rick
Sunrise, Florida

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