Debbie & Jason

Dear JDate,

cont-mt-debbie-jasonJason and I met through JDate randomness. We each had different search criteria and never saw each other in our search results. Someone gave me a Click?® alert and then JDate sent me an email containing six people who they thought I’d would Click? with. Jason on was one of the six profiles and I noticed that he was not one of the usual set of faces that came up in my search results. I liked what I saw, so I gave him a Click?!

Later that night, Jason received the same email I received and noticed me. He too gave me a Click? and next thing you know, we both received a You Clicked Alert.

We corresponded for a week and then had our first date November 3, 2007. We were both amazed at how we clicked over email and there was a great dialogue, but how would it translate from email to face-to-face correspondence? We found out on November 3, when our first date lasted seven hours! So we decided to go out the next day and that lasted 8 hours! We truly did click from the very first time we met. By the third date, Jason told me that the chemistry was so good together that we should be exclusive and see where that led.

We were inseparable from that point on.

Jason and I had this ongoing debate as to how long we should wait until taking things to the next level. Was it 12 months or the four seasons of the year (after all you have to see how compatible someone is during the winter and summer months)? Jason often wondered to himself how he would propose and what special plans he might prepare. During the second night of Passover of this year, I told Jason that I did not have to wait anymore and that he was the perfect man for me. Jason then looked at me and asked the FIFTH question, “Debbie will you marry me?” No engagement ring, no premeditated, plans. As Jason’s grandmother used to say, “You don’t plan special, special just happens.”

We wish we knew who that person was who clicked on my profile. If it was not for him, or JDate, we would have never met.

We will be getting married January 31, 2009 in Washington, DC. We cannot begin to express how much we complete, complement, and love one another. We had read so many JDate success stories and always hoped our beshert was also out there. We are very happy to say they are, and that person is better than we ever expected!

Every Passover will be special for us. Why was that Passover different from all other Passovers? Because Jason asked me the FIFTH question and I answered, “Yes!”

Tips for other JDaters:
Go click on someone now! You don’t know how it will turn out!

Thank you JDate!

Debbie & Jason
Washington, DC

Found love on JDate? Tell us about it!
  1. I keep hearing stories about how many hours that first date was. Most of the time Jdaters have a packed schedule so you’re lucky to get an hour out of them. How come these dates last so long?

  2. As the mother of the groom, I can attest to this success story. These two are truly made for each other… and Jason’s father, Lewis, my ex-husband, found the love of his life, Jill, on J-Date too.

  3. I hope that the groom’s mom finds the love of her life too. It is kinda sad that she allows that her ex found his life’s love. Good luck.

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