Dina and Boris

Dear JDate,

cont-mt-dina-borrisIn our day and age, meeting people is extremely difficult, so you use whatever means necessary to look for that special someone…So, since the Internet is the “in” thing, we tried our luck on the World Wide Web.

As it turned out, JDate was our key to marital bliss. Strategically selected nicknames (SpyGirl3954 and MalenkiyPrintz) and quotes in both of our profiles helped us find a certain type of person that we were both looking for. And as miraculous as it may sound, it really worked! One day after posting I posted my profile, we were on the phone until 4 a.m. This went on for four days until we just had to see each other.

There is truly nothing more to say. The date was perfect and so were all the days to follow. It felt like a dream come true. Here we are 10 months after our wonderful first conversations on JDate — engaged and preparing for our wedding, which is in four months. We can’t wait!

Thank you.

Dina & Boris
Wheeling and Palatine, Illinois

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