Francesca and Mark: "Thank you Jdate for making this happen!"

Thank you for bringing my husband and me together!

Mark was the first person I went out with after joining your site. After the first few dates, I knew we had been matched up perfectly. I didn’t think there were very many Jews in the town that I lived in, and that made it difficult to find local Jews to date who were my age. My family is part of our local Jewish community, but most of the other Jews are parents with small children. I am so happy that I decided to join JDate! It turned out that Mark was living just 20 minutes away from me for years, and we even graduated from the same university!

Mark messaged me on JDate first. After a few messages back and forth (and realizing we had many things in common), Mark asked me out on our first date! We met at Cheesecake Factory and have been going back every year since to celebrate our anniversary of the day we met. I was extremely nervous as I walked to our first date. I was so nervous that I forgot all the things I wanted to discuss over dinner, but Mark saved the day by impressing me with his adventure-filled stories (which still impress me to this day).

Since our first date two years ago, the adventure has not stopped! We saw each other nearly every day and were married by the end of the year. The following year we made a new addition to our family: our baby Samuel who is our bundle of joy. It is amazing to see the world through a child’s eyes and he continues to impress me every day, much like his father.

We are so happy to have each other and to walk upon the adventure of marriage together! Thank you JDate for making this happen!

Francesca and Mark
Seattle, Washington

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One Comment
  1. oh my goodness! I went to high school with Francesca! I don’t know if you’ll see this, but congratulations! 🙂

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