Irene and Matt

Dear JDate,

cont-mt-irene-MattFirst of all, thanks to JDate, I have met the man of my dreams and life partner. I’m beyond excited to marry this man.

I’m Scunalekker75, and he is MattyinDC. We both live in Washington, D.C. and were off/on members of JDate for several years.

We’d both dated other people and, generally, felt a lack of true depth of emotions with them. It all changed the night we met.

First of all, I remember Matt’s profile pretty well and recall seeing it from time to time. However, there were no emails or flirts that ever passed between us. Matt says that he remembers me too, but he’s just being sweet. Anyway, last October 2006, I had a Premium Membership which I did not plan to renew if I didn’t find anyone interesting to date. I was on my last subscription week and quickly logged on after a movie night with girlfriends. I didn’t see anything in my inbox, so I logged out. But, something told me to log back in, and lo and behold, I had an IM that was routed to my inbox. It was from Matt. His message was short and sweet, and I decided to IM him back (he was still online).

I won’t go into it too much, but we chatted for about two hours and then spoke on the phone for another two hours. This was a Friday evening, and we decided to plan a date for Saturday night. We went out on Saturday, October 7, 2006 and have been inseparable since that night.

Our relationship progressed very quickly, something that we were both ready for and discussed at length. So, it was no surprise that we spent almost every night together, that I brought him home for Thanksgiving, that we spent New Year’s Eve together, that we decided to move in together and that we planned a trip to Vegas for my birthday in February all in a matter of months. For us, any days spent apart are longer and lonelier.

Long story long, Matt planned a beautiful, elaborate proposal in our room overlooking the Bellagio fountains with a beautiful ring (a gorgeous antique from 1928) and champagne. He did a beautiful job despite jitters and things going awry. We’re both ecstatic and planning a wedding for the fall of 2007. We can’t wait to be married to each other.

Thanks, JDate, for clearing the path for us to find each other.

Tips for other JDaters:
I think for Matt and I timing was 90 % of what brought us together. We were both ready for that kind of commitment, and the only thing keeping us from meeting was not knowing each other, even though we lived five minutes away by car.

I think he finally looked me up and emailed because I had changed my profile a bit. I was kind of at the tail end of my online dating journey and changed the profile “about me” section for fun. I guess whatever I wrote translated to something profound enough for him to be interested.

I’ve read that about other couples too … just as they were at the end of their online dating rope, they gave it one more try, and KABOOM, it happens. My tip is that a person ought to date comfortably. People must always be comfortable enough meeting people or “blind” dating or being set-up on dates to be themselves and act naturally. I was completely myself from date one with Matt. Actually, we never had date two. We were a couple from the first date, which surprised me more than anything. I was not expecting him to be my future husband — I just wanted to meet up with a guy and have a nice time. I did. Except now, I’m having a great time.

Irene & Matt
Washington, DC

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