Jennie and Seth

I had been a member of JDate off and on for a few years.  Feeling disheartened, I decided to call it quits and cancel my membership. That evening from my apartment, I specifically signed on to cancel my subscription and then noticed Seth, a member from Providence, RI. I gave him a “wink” and was delighted to receive an email from him right away.  After a few email exchanges, we made plans for a dinner date that Friday.

Our first date was at “Vinny T’s” in Dedham, MA, which was a great meeting spot between my place in Boston and his in Providence. We sat for over three hours catching up and laughing, and I could not believe how natural our connection was and how much we had in common. Turns out that this was Seth’s first ever JDate, and that he joined the very evening that I was planning to quit! I remember being worried that Seth would think all dates were this good!  I even called my father on my way home from the car and said “If this isn’t the guy for me, I will never trust my instincts again.”

That was the first date of many.  We spent the next few years enjoying the mundane things together, but also discovering that we both love to travel to new places and we do it well together.   As much as it seemed like a fairytale then, it’s honestly even better now.  It’s hard to put into words how much fun we have together, and how amazing life has been since we found each other.  Humor plays a big part in our relationship and we are always finding reasons to laugh at or with each other. We think that’s one big ingredient to a successful relationship.

I eventually moved to Rhode Island to live with Seth and it was an easy transition for us.  This last February, we took a vacation to visit my mother and step-father in Tucson, Arizona. We had plans to hike the beautiful Sabino Canyon the first weekend we arrived. I got up that morning and threw on my sweatpants. At my mother’s urging, we packed a picnic lunch, a bottle of wine and headed off.

Seth acted as though he had no idea where we were going or what our plan was, but we soon found ourselves picnicking in this remote sandy spot of the canyon, next to a stream overlooking the mountains. It was there that Seth asked me to marry him.  Though we had enjoyed almost four incredible years together, I was still shocked to finally see a beautiful ring on my finger. As it turns out, Seth knew exactly where he wanted us to be that morning and that nothing happened by coincidence. He had even mailed the ring ahead of time to my parents and asked them to plant the picnic idea in my head.  They were in on the whole thing.

We are now planning our wedding in Boston for March 2011 and we can’t wait to celebrate with our friends and families and to create a new family ourselves.  We can’t stress enough that it’s worth the investment and the time not to give up. Perseverance is the key; after all, you never know when the right person will come along. Just think, what if I had cancelled my subscription that evening?

We are often asked how we met, and it’s easy to forget that JDate brought us together.  We still believe that we would have met some other way, somehow, but the truth is that we have JDate to thank. So from both of us, thank you from the bottom for our hearts. We are SO grateful.

Jennie and Seth
Johnston, Rhode Island

Found love on JDate? Tell us about it!
  1. Congratulations to you both!!! Glad you didn’t give up.

  2. I love your story! Congratulations to the both of you and many more happy years together. You give me hope that one day I can be as happy as you are together. Thank you.


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