Jess and Jack: "Thank you so much Jdate for allowing us to meet."


I went on JDate to see who I knew on the site, not to find love. One day I was on the site, trying to get in contact with someone, when I got an IM from someone else. To him it was just another girl to talk to, but to me it was a match! We started speaking via IM – as well as on the phone – and then couldn’t stop messaging after.

Jess & Jack-JDate-2I noticed that Jack was from London, and since I was from Leeds, I never thought we would meet. But, before I knew it, I had booked a train ticket to see him. On the 15th of July 2012 I went to Kings Cross, London and saw him standing there, and I thought wow!

We got on so well. It was like we had known each other for ages. He kept me smiling and laughing all the time, and still does.

We managed to maintain a relationship for a year, even though I was in my final year at University. When I graduated, I got a job in London and moved down. Soon after, I moved in with Jack. We have been living together now for a year, and in February 2014 (on Valentine’s Day), he asked me to marry him! I, of course, said yes! We are getting married next summer in August 2015.

Thank you so much JDate for allowing us to meet, I’d recommend it to everyone!

Jess and Jack
Edgware, England

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