Judy and Alan: "Judy, along with her best friend, created a profile on Jdate."

Judy, along with her best friend, created a profile on JDate. Since they lived in different cities, they felt they were not competing and, if anything, could be helpful in finding each other the man of their dreams. Judy felt she had dated all the eligible Jewish men in Northern Virginia (until Alan came along).

Alan was taking his kids to Hebrew school one Sunday morning when a friend stopped him and asked, “Mr. Z., are you dating?” When Alan replied in the negative, his friend responded with one word: “JDate.”

Before they went on their first date, Judy knew she had found the man for her. In one of their phone conversations, Alan excused himself while he spoke to his son (who was then only nine years old). Judy noticed the tone in which Alan addressed his son with love and respect and she immediately knew this was the man for her.

Nearly nine years later, Alan approached Judy’s two children to ask for her hand in marriage. Alan took their assent and proposed to Judy while on vacation in Cabo several weeks later.

Alan and Judy married six months later, on Mother’s Day, in a small ceremony surrounded by their four children and immediate family.

Judy and Alan
Springfield, Virginia

Found love on JDate? Tell us about it!
  1. i love your photo, what a beautful smilw!! thanks for responding to my profile. let us stay connected thank you

  2. Very nice story, but what took nine years? I’m confused 🙂

  3. Just noticed these comments! So sorry for not responding sooner!

    Donna, we were the butt of everyone’s jokes about how long it took for us to get married– so you’re not the only one confused!

    There were other matters which took precedence: kids’ Bar/Bat Mitzvahs, my parents falling ill and subsequently passing away and finalizing our divorces. We had both been separated for over two years when we met and my divorce took longer than most.

    We focused on our children and immediate family, but we were always there for one another.

    AND…..we are now together, and that is what matters!


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