Julia and Geoffrey

Dear JDate,

cont-mt-julia-geoffrey-01Recently, my husband dug up a printout of our first communication through JDate.com, which took place on October 27, 1998. While we began emailing each other right away and talking by telephone soon thereafter, we were both very busy, and it took us until January 13, 1999 to have our first date (we went bowling). By our third date, we were both pretty sure we had met our b’shert, but both of us had been single for a quite a while, so we took our time making sure everything was just right. On March 13, 2000, we got engaged, and on November 5, 2000, we were married at what all of our guests tell us was one of the most joyous and fun occasions they have ever attended. Here is a photo of us from the summer of 1999.
Julia & Geoffrey

cont-mt-julia-geoffrey-02I just wanted to make sure that you had a full account of the marriage that you helped bring about. We tell all of our single friends about your site and encourage them to use it. Best of luck in continuing to make many Jewish matches.

Julia & Geoffrey
Rockville, Maryland

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