Lauren & David: ''We are married and already have a five month old baby together''

Jdate is responsible for more Jewish marriages than all other dating sites combined! But we’ve got more than just statistics to back it up. In our “Success Stories” feature, you’ll meet real couples who found love online.

David & Lauren

LaurenandDavid03How did you meet? What was your first date like? Give us all the details!

There was a picture of Lauren with a yellow lab on Jdate, so I sent her a message saying I liked labs too and could I call her to talk and set up a date. We had trouble scheduling our first date because I was traveling for work and Lauren had laryngitis (which I thought was fishy, but turned out to be legit). Once she got her voice back, we had great conversations on the phone right from the beginning and a week later we agreed to meet for a drink at Blue Water Grill in Union Square.

Our first date was originally going to be just drinks, but Lauren walked into the restaurant gave me a big hug hello and I knew I would gladly buy her dinner! Lauren told me she was gluten-free, so I told the waiter and all the dishes came with little flags that said “gluten-free” (probably overkill, but we had a good laugh about it).

From the beginning, we had great conversations, lots of laughs and were super attracted to each other (you got to have chemistry). We also established that we were from similar families and both wanted to build a family together. We walked around Union Square Park a little after dinner and had an awesome first kiss. We never wanted to be apart after that.

Describe the moment you knew it was true love!

After the first date, Lauren said my follow-up was excellent. It was a simple thing, but I always did exactly what I said I was going to do. No games … I followed through on everything, made nice dinner plans and was very thoughtful sending nice funny little texts. emails and voice messages.

Lauren knew it was love because I was “no BS.” Lauren fell in love with my sense of humor, consistency and reliability. It doesn’t sound that romantic, but it really works for us. As for me, I fell in love with Lauren’s sparkle, beauty, kindness, sensitivity, sense of humor and overall style. Lauren is “it” for me, my partner and soulmate. I celebrate every day we are together.

Lauren and David04What advice would you give other Jdaters?

Stick with it. Sometimes it takes awhile to find just the right person. Also, don’t waste too much time with messaging and texting, get together and meet old school as soon as possible. You don’t need a pen pal, you need a partner for life and that requires in-person interaction ASAP.

The good news is that once you meet that right person, it can happen very quickly. We are married and already have a five month old baby together, too. I have another child from a prior marriage (who is eleven years old) and together we make one happy, blended Jdate family!


Did you find love on Jdate? Share your story to inspire other members! Still looking? Sign up with Jdate and start down to the road to a Success Story of your own!

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