Lindsay & Mark: A love story across the years (and state lines!)

Lindsay and Mark were married July 29, 2018.  Jdate is overjoyed to have played a part in their love story, and wishes them every future happiness. Mazel tov!

Tell us all about your story! The more details the better!


In 2007, Mark Wagner, a fledgling lawyer, and Lindsay Jacobson, a young school teacher, were both living in Phoenix, AZ. He contacted her on Jdate, but she didn’t return to the site for seven years, and in time, she moved to Los Angeles.

In 2014, Lindsay, now back on Jdate, wrote to Mark, never knowing if he had written to her seven years before. She hoped to hear from him, but sadly, years passed with no response.

In 2016, Mark, who also relocated to Los Angeles, wrote to Lindsay, apologizing for the late reply –  TWO YEARS LATE!

After a week of non-stop texting, they finally met face-to-face and began dating. After a month, Lindsay asked Mark to show her the email she had sent two years prior. “Actually”, he said, “I wrote to you in 2007. We could have had a nine-year-old child by now!”

The rest is a love story with a fairy tale ending (pictures included). Not enough? Read more! In Jewish tradition, a child is named for a deceased loved one. Lindsay’s parents were looking for a way to honor her great grandfather with a name that began with the letter L. Lindsay Wagner was pictured on the cover of People Magazine, and thinking it represented a beautiful, strong, and caring woman, chose that name. 36 years later (July 29, 2018), after marrying Mark, she actually became Lindsay Wagner!

In spite of time and distance, Jdate made sure this bashert connection brought together two (older, yet wiser) people who are the perfect couple.


And when did you know it was true love?

After so many years of missing each other on Jdate, we finally had a date. Mark told me that if we had hooked up the first time, we would have had a nine year old child together. He seemed disappointed; I could see how much he loved children, and I could actually imagine us having a child together and that was it… I was in love.

Did you find love on Jdate? Share your story to inspire other members! Still looking? Sign up with Jdate and start down to the road to a Success Story of your own!

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