Lisa and Simon: "A friend suggested I try opened up a whole new world."

Having been widowed in 2004, it took some time for me to get myself back into the ‘dating world.’ A friend suggested I try JDate, so I took the advice and joined — it opened up a whole new world.

I emailed quite a few members, some more suitable than others. I think you have to be quite brave in order to not lose heart and carry on.

One evening I had an email from Simon. We just started to talk about the usual stuff, who you know, where you work, what you like to do for leisure time, etc. Simon was, at the time, on business in the Far East. He was very sweet and telephoned me every evening. It was always an easy conversation. He was also widowed, so we had a lot in common.

I was amazed he wanted to meet up the evening he flew back into London. I was impressed as he surely had jet lag. We met at The Star in Dunmow. I arrived early and sat down with a drink to calm my nerves. The waiter thought it was hilarious; after all, I am in my fifties! Simon arrived on time. To be honest, I wasn’t sure about him at first sight. However, after sitting down to a lovely meal, it gave us the opportunity to talk face to face. We had so much in common, yet came from two totally different backgrounds.

The evening flew by. We were the last to leave that night. Simon escorted me back to my car and telephoned me at least four times on my journey home!

That was October of 2010. By March 2011, Simon proposed to me while on holiday in Mexico. I thought he was joking! After several attempts at persuading me he was not joking, I accepted.

On May 10th, 2012 we were married at Sandy’s Row Shul in the East End, with our beautiful children standing under the Chuppah, sharing our happiness.

Lisa and Simon
Woodford Green, Essex, UK

Found love on JDate? Tell us about it!
  1. Mazel Tov, Lisa and Simon! You two are just adorable…who’s to care about the age? I think you make a beautiful couple and I – Stephanie from Lancaster County in Pennsylvania USA – wish you years and years of blissful marriage. G-d’s best be with you!

  2. Mazeltov…this story gave me chills!!Being a widow for two years, I had the same thoughts as LIsa.. I am so happy for you both..such a b,shert for you two..Perhaps, I now may start to read more on J Date
    Blessings and love to you two from California~~

  3. Mazel Tov! Lots of happiness and lots of luck to you! Being a widowed I believe people can get happy again after read your story! Mazel Tov again!

  4. Wow!! Mazel tov! How wonderful for you, you seem two people daring to take some risk and fighting for happiness, now you found it. Good for you and good for us, because you are an example.
    Wish you well, health and love!
    Jillyan, from the netherlands.

  5. Dear Lisa and Simon,

    Thank you so much for having the willingness to tell us your story which is amazing . Mazel Tov! I wish you Health and Happiness.
    That’s exactly what we say in French: ” le coeur a ses raisons que la Raison ne comprend pas” which means in English:” the Heart has its reasons that the Mind doesn’t understand ”
    Mazel Tov.
    Michal from California.

  6. Dear Lisa and Simon:
    Mazal Tov and Kol a Kabod for many many years of shimhas and naches from your children. I like the fact that the 2 of you were so brave to start a new life. I believe in love and the 2 of you are going to love one another more and more. I am glad that your children were with you under the Chupah.
    I believe that it is going to happen to me also. My besher will be there for me and for my children. In Spanish we say Matrimonio y mortaja del cielo baja which it means the wedding and the funeral clothes will came from the sky.
    Rosa from Texas

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