Maurisa and Jay

Dear JDate,

cont-mt-maurisa-jayI met my fiancee at a Braves game hosted by JDate on June 14th, 2002. We had seen each other before, but had never spoken. She was not going to go to the game; her friend forced her to come, thankfully.

I introduced myself to Maurisa and Tovah. The whole night I ignored the game and spoke with Tovah. Maurisa and I hadn’t really said two words the whole night. On the way back from the game, there were two drunk men that weren’t with JDate. They started to harass Maurisa, and I asked them to leave my girlfriend alone. They complied, and Maurisa, Tovah and myself decided to get something to eat when we got back to Jocks & Jills.

We got to Jocks & Jills around 10:30 p.m., and we left aroud 1:00 a.m. They asked for my phone #, and the next day, Maurisa called to ask me to repair her sink and toilet. I went over to her house without much knowledge on what I was doing and fixed the items that needed to be fixed. From that day on, we have been inseparable. We have a 6:30 p.m. wedding on September 5th, 2004. We would like to thank JDate for having an event that helped bring us together.

Maurisa & Jay
Atlanta, Georgia

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