Melina and Seth: "We're approaching our 10-year wedding anniversary."

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JDate is responsible for more Jewish marriages than all other dating sites combined! But we’ve got more than just statistics to back it up. In our “Success Stories” feature, you’ll meet real couples who found love online.

My husband and I met in May 2004 on JDate in Tampa Bay. We had both just moved to the area. Seth moved from Miami for a job; I had graduated college and moved back to the town I grew up in.

We had both gone on a few other dates, trying to meet new people, but not expecting anything serious. Seth and I decided to tip-toe the waters by meeting for coffee at a bookstore. We both showed up in green shirts! I can be kind of a motor mouth and Seth is on the quiet side so we (mostly I) talked, and when the bookstore closed a few hours later, we found a bench outside and continued chatting for another hour. I left thinking he thought I talked too much and might not call me back, but he did and a few nights later we went on a date to walk through a little art fair on Clearwater Beach (I still have a souvenir shell he bought for me).

Melina, Seth, and their daughter.

We almost didn’t make it when a tropical storm hit, and he had to evacuate his place and I invited him to my parents’ house where I was living. No electricity in the summer in FL, plus an energetic teenage sister, and my bickering parents would have been the end… if we hadn’t already made plans to see a movie together for a few nights later before the storm. Thankfully we kept the date because that was the night we started to fall in love after talking in the car for hours after the movie!

Seth proposed that October and we married in May 2005, one year after we began chatting online. We had our daughter in February 2012. We now live in Palm Beach Gardens and are approaching our 10-year wedding anniversary.

Melina and Seth
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida

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