Melissa and Eric

Dear JDate,

It would be our pleasure to tell others our story…

cont-mt-melissa-ericMelissa emailed me saying that she found my profile interesting, and we set up a date. She had no picture, and I must admit that I was apprehensive. I went with my gut because her profile was so appealing.

We went out in September of 2001, and we were an item from our first date. We saw each other constantly, and on July 21st of 2002, we were married.

Our relationship has blossomed beautifully and we are a family of love and devotion. She and I both have two children from prior marriages, and our match has been theirs as well. We found JDate to be a phenomenal service that represents single people very honestly and openly, and it is a wonderful way for people to meet.

From the bottom of our hearts, we are grateful for what you have given us, as well as what we have given each other. Love is there for all who desire its rich rewards, and ours is one we treasure! Here is a picture of us on our wedding day, and you can see how truly blessed we are.

Thanks again,

Melissa & Eric
Beverly, California

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