Michelle & Adam: "Meeting Someone Jewish Was Important..."

JDate is responsible for more Jewish marriages than all other dating sites combined! But we’ve got more than just statistics to back it up. In our “Success Stories” feature, you’ll meet real couples who found love online.

Michelle & Adam

We had our first date on the 27th of October in 2013. We met at the Prince of Shoreditch gastropub in London. Adam had kindly chosen somewhere close to where he thought I lived. We met at 12pm, and at 6pm we were still chatting away – delighted to have met a like-minded match. We had so many things in common and the hours flew by. Adam wrote online that his perfect idea of a first date is when it’s so obvious to both people that you were going to see each other again, that you didn’t need to ask. That was certainly the case for both of us!

Adam was new to JDate at the time, having been single for a few years, after investing a lot of time and energy in work and fitness. Meeting someone Jewish was important to both of us, but we already knew all of the friends-of-friends in the Jewish community in London. When I saw his profile and picture come up, I wrote to him saying he has a lovely smile – those dimples are adorable! Normally I wouldn’t have written to someone without a full profile, but as Adam had just joined, he hadn’t filled out all the questions yet. How pleased I am now that I did so!

We had a glorious and fun few months of dating, from weekends in Rome to a New Year’s party in Sharm. Spending a week together for the first time was clearly a big test of our relationship, and it went so well that by the end of the trip we were organizing our next trip away!

Falling in love with Adam was fabulous. I never knew what it meant to “meet the one” until I did meet “the one!” It’s true and it’s beautiful, and Adam is amazing. I think we were made for each other.

Adam proposed on Valentine’s Day in 2014. We got married in Sardinia in June 2015 with 80 friends and 20 children celebrating with us. It was magical – the best few days of our lives.

Thank you to JDate for making it possible! We are thrilled, in love and very happily married thanks to this site. So if this is encouragement to anyone thinking about joining – just do it!


Did you find love online? Submit your story to share how you met your soulmate on JDate.

One Comment
  1. I signed up for JDate thinking that it would take me a long time to find someone. I had done online dating in the past, but had not met someone who I felt was my “beloved.” I was ready to wait as long as it took to find the right person and was determined not to settle for the wrong person. I was divorced at the time.

    I signed up on a Sunday and the next Friday went on my first date with a widower who was exactly my age, Eitan. We spoke for almost 6 hours. The next day for 7 hours. The next day for 8. We have seen each other regularly in the months since–not every day, necessarily,because we are also busy with work and between us we have five children.

    It has been glorious. I am totally happy with him and he with me….Love is perhaps even more precious when one finds it at midlife.

    I am grateful to JDate.

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