Nancy and Scott

Dear JDate,

We have a Happy Endings story for you!

cont-mt-nancy-scottEven though we met in person for the first time on May 17, 2002, Scott really considers our first meeting to be when he sent me a message through JDate on April 28, 2002. I was living in North Carolina, just outside of Raleigh, and he was living in Arizona, in the Phoenix area.

For some time, I had felt that my life in North Carolina was stagnating and that I needed to do something about it. So, in 2002, I decided to look into moving to Phoenix. I made plans for a visit in May, to check out the area.

Scott found me on JDate because I had changed my profile to be viewed in the Phoenix area. I mentioned in my profile that I was living in North Carolina, but was in the process of trying to relocate to Phoenix. After a few emails and several long distance telephone calls, we arranged to meet for lunch during my planned visit to Phoenix.

We spent the next five months alternating visits between Phoenix and Raleigh. In November, 2002, Scott flew to Raleigh for the last time. We packed up my stuff and drove across country to Phoenix.

In March 2003, Scott took me to Las Vegas for my birthday. We were in our room getting ready to go out for the evening when there was a knock on the door. The concierge delivered two dozen roses, and as soon as he left, Scott proposed.

Our permanent home is in the Phoenix area, but Scott’s current consulting assignment has taken us to Ohio temporarily, where we were married on December 27, 2003.

Thank You JDate!!

Nancy & Scott
Raleigh, North Carolina and Phoenix, Arizona

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