Natasha & Neal: "It started snowing right when we had our first kiss"

JDate is responsible for more Jewish marriages than all other dating sites combined! But we’ve got more than just statistics to back it up. In our “Success Stories” feature, you’ll meet real couples who found love online.

Natasha & Neal

How did you meet? What was your first date like? Give us all the details!

Our first JDate was spent in a small city in Western Maryland named Cumberland. We decided to meet
spontaneously on a Thursday afternoon in the small town’s art district. Although we went into a nice bar for lunch and a few odd Natasha and Neal hanging out outside.stores (including an artist gallery, music shop and antique place), what I most remember was that it started snowing right when we had our first kiss. It was a simple and beautiful place, and the man I met there was the most kind and gentle man I had ever met.

What advice would you give other JDaters?
Be honest and trust that the other person will love you for your flaws. We all have many of them, and Neal and I love our crazy flaws. That’s what makes relationship work.


Did you find love online? Submit your story to share how you met your soulmate on JDate.


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