Roxane and Sandy

Dear JDate,

cont-mt-roxane-sandySandy was attracted to my profile and contacted me via sometime in April 2000. I recall Sandy writing that his real estate development business often took him to the Washington, D.C. area and that perhaps we could meet for dinner sometime. He also wrote that it sounded as though we had switched lives since he grew up in the D.C. area and was now in Baltimore, and I grew up in Baltimore and was now in the D.C. area. I recall preparing an e-mail response describing my family and exciting law practice. Sandy claims I must have failed to push the send button, because he never received a response to his e-mail. And I wondered why I had not heard back from him and feared that he found my demanding life too complicated.

Six months later, I was not involved in any particular relationship and wrote to Sandy late one Friday afternoon, reminding him of his e-mail to me months before and asking him if he was still interested in meeting. I left my office telephone number and e-mail address. When I arrived at work on Monday morning, October 21, 2000, I found a message on my answering machine and an e-mail from Sandy telling me that I had put a smile on his face and expressing an interest in meeting me. I answered his e-mail, remembering this time to hit the send button. He called me immediately, and we arranged to meet for dinner the next Wednesday night in Bethesda, Maryland. We spoke and e-mailed again before the dinner, which was brief because of my weeknight schedule that included homework review, reading, and enforcing an early bedtime for my son. At dinner, Sandy asked to see me again that weekend, and I agreed. Sandy arrived on Saturday evening, October 27th , with cupcakes decorated for Halloween for my son, Evan, and helped us transport a very large pumpkin, bale of hay and corn stalk to celebrate Halloween at my son’s friend’s house. His kindness and interest in Evan touched me. We then spoke or saw one another exclusively, often visiting and vacationing with our blended family, including Jill and Lisa, his daughters; Assaf, his son-in-law and Lisa’s husband; Tal and Ashley, his grandchildren; and Kaye, his mother. Sandy logged an excessive number of miles on his car, traveling from Baltimore to Bethesda and back. We were engaged in February 2001 and married on Saturday evening, January 19, 2002, at the American Visionary Art Museum, joined by our many close friends and family. The evening brought excitement with an unexpected snow storm that didn’t deter our enjoyment: a tour of the Museum while hors d’oeuvres and cocktails were served, a string quartet playing, a beautiful traditional ceremony overlooking a glistening Baltimore Harbor, and dinner and dancing in the Sculpture Barn adjacent to the Museum.

Roxane & Sandy
Baltimore, Maryland and Washington, D.C.

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