Ruthie and Barry

Dear JDate,

cont-mt-ruthie-barryI never imagined what would happen when I put my profile on JDate. I had been divorced for almost 14 years, and though I’d been involved in several relationships, I’d never found the “right one.” Imagine, 50-years-old and single. Actually, I had pretty much decided to stop looking. I had pretty much decided that being alone was OK. My life was full with my friends, my job and my family. But then, one day in November, I received an email from a man, Barry, who would make my world do a 180 degree spin.

We communicated on the Internet for a while, then on the phone. We finally met in person in January and both of us knew right away that there was something very special between us. I remember when I was a child I asked my mom: How I would know if I was with the right man? She told me, “If it’s right, you’ll know.” Well, guess what? After 50 years, I finally know!!

Barry and I went out to restaurants, coffee houses, Blues’ games, and spent time at home enjoying cooking with and for each other. Barry took me on a surprise weekend trip to Jupiter, Florida, so that I could see my favorite baseball team (Cardinals) play a spring training game. And I took him to one of my favorite state parks for some trout fishing. And then, at a very romantic little bistro, he asked me to marry him and, of course, I said yes.

We plan to be married sometime after the first of the year. We want to thank JDate for bringing us together. Life truly is amazing.

Thank you JDate!

Ruthie & Barry
St. Louis, Missouri

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