Sabrina and Eric

Dear JDate,

cont-mt-sabrina-ericSabrina is a 29 year old attorney. Since graduating law school, Sabrina has been prosecuting parents accused of abuse and neglect in Brooklyn Family Court. She is a proud Mommy of Jeter, her Yorkie Puppy (a Valentine’s Day gift from Eric).

Eric is a 35 year old physician practicing emergency and internal medicine in the Bronx, New York. Eric is also an Ironman Triathlete, having completed Lake Placid’s course in July 2004, with an amazing time of 11:27:20 (Sabrina was present to cheer him on).

The story begins in September 2003 when Sabrina returned to the UWS of Manhattan and Eric moved into the neighborhood that same month. Eric joined JDate that fall, hoping to find his true love; Sabrina eventually joined that spring. Fate stepped in, and on Wednesday, March 31, 2004, Eric, captivated by Sabrina’s smile (and other assets!), took a chance and sent an IM. Sabrina couldn’t resist a cute Jewish doctor, and they set a date for that Sunday, April 4, 2004.

The first date, lunch at City Grill, went incredibly well. Eric, wanting to impress Sabrina, asked his brother for house tickets to a Broadway show for date number two. They ended up closing Haru that evening and both were smitten with the love bug.

By the end of April 2004, Sabrina was wearing her Tiffany heart boyfriend/girlfriend bracelet. The year together was a fairy tale.

Sabrina rooted for Eric in Lake Placid in July. Eric surprised Sabrina by taking her to the Norwich Spa for her birthday in August, complete with a romantic vineyard picnic. In October, they escaped to the Hamptons for their six-month anniversary, and in December, they traveled to Puerto Rico. Valentine’s Day, Eric made Sabrina’s first dream come true by purchasing Jeter, their Yorkie puppy. April was the busiest and happiest month, with their anniversary trip to the Bahamas, Jeter’s puppy school graduation and the engagement!

Eric surprised Sabrina by having her doorman deliver a package to her while he waited downstairs. The package contained a card and framed calligraphy registration certificate of a star he named “Sabrina, will you marry me? Love, Eric.” When Sabrina came downstairs, Eric was standing outside her building with a handsome carriage. He handed her a dozen red roses and dropped to one knee in front of spectators, where he proposed! They then took a carriage ride through Central Park, drank champagne and, afterwards, headed to City Grill for dinner.


Sabrina & Eric
Brooklyn, New York

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