Samantha and Darren: "Without Jdate, I never would have met my best friend and soul mate."


In August 2012 I clicked on Darren’s profile, despite his outrageous picture, and found his qualities engaging. I had that “Oh my G-d, I think I just found my soul mate” moment, so I took initiative and sent him a casual message. Unfortunately he informed me that he was getting off JDate because he had met someone else, so I told him to get in touch if it didn’t work out.

About a month later, I was pleasantly surprised when a message popped up saying he ended things with the other woman, and wanted to take me out. He wrote, “I thought you were awesome on paper, and there was no way I was leaving that site without at least the chance of being able to connect again. You seem to have a lot of “check boxes” on paper, and I’d like to see how that translates in real life.”

success-samantha-darren-tmb2On September 27, 2012 we had our first date at a sushi restaurant, and ended up playing basketball until 2am! After a few dates, Darren told me how connected he felt, and that when he’s with me, he sees stars (yes, those words literally came out of his mouth). On September 27, 2013, exactly one year later, I got engaged to the man of my dreams, and we celebrated at the same sushi restaurant!

Darren is the perfect combination of manly and romantic, driven and supportive. We fall more deeply in love every day and I feel so blessed to have met him. I’ve never met someone so emotionally intelligent and he just gets me — he understands my moods, my humor, and makes me feel like the most special and beautiful woman in the world, every day.

Without JDate, I never would have met my best friend and soul mate — no matter how cheesy that sounds! We’re enjoying the wedding-planning process and are tying the knot in an intimate family ceremony on August 10, 2014 at my parent’s home near Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and then celebrating with friends the following weekend, in Boston, Massachusetts.

Thanks JDate!

Samantha and Darren
Cambridge, Massachusetts

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