Sarah & Bradley: "I knew this was something great very early on."

JDate is responsible for more Jewish marriages than all other dating sites combined! But we’ve got more than just statistics to back it up. In our “Success Stories” feature, you’ll meet real couples who found love online.

Sarah & Bradley

SarahandBradley02How did you meet? What was your first date like? Give us all the details!
Our story starts with us separated by two time zones and roughly 1600 miles. Fueled by a glass of Pinot Noir and the daring desire to really dive head first into the boundless limits of online dating, I stumbled upon the profile of one particular Colorado Ironman. His photos were slightly out of focus and his profile was slightly too filled out, but I was ready for an evening adventure; tonight was to start with an email introduction. I do not completely remember all the details of my hello, but it was mostly informational, semi-witty and (purposely) impossible to ignore. Exactly 2 days later, I had a response. While innocent and purely fun at first, casual email banter soon gave way to emotive phone calls and relentless contact. Our first date was a long three months later in Denver, Colorado. We sat across the table from each other at a funky little breakfast spot downtown on the morning of New Year’s Eve. I ate eggs benedict and Mr. Colorado had french toast. He reached across the table to grab a few potatoes off my plate like it was all old hat. From that moment on, I knew we were in for something great.

Describe the moment you knew it was true love!SarahandBradley03
As stated above, I knew this was something great very early on – possibly even before I boarded the plane for Colorado; but my brain wasn’t quite ready to concede to my heart so quickly. So ten months after that first date (and four months after a move halfway across the country), we found ourselves immersed in a beautiful Hawaiian vacation. Brad intentionally waited for the perfect sunset on the most perfect of days to lean across a dinner table and say: “You know I love you, right?” I aptly responded, “I know.” It was simple, truthful and blindly honest – on both of our parts. My brain may have won a few battles early on, but in that moment, my heart won the war.

What advice would you give other JDaters?
Never force it. Wait for the effortless smiles. And always expect it to be a little weird.


Did you find love online? Submit your story to share how you met your soulmate on JDate.

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