Shelby and Jason: "Thank you Jdate for bringing us together!"

What do an Adam Sandler movie and a pushy friend have to do with JDate? Well, if not for these, my wife and I would never have found each other!

I had just gone through a divorce after a 17-year marriage. One night I was watching an Adam Sandler movie that mentioned JDate and wanted to know if there truly was a dating site just for Jews. Shelby had lost her husband and some of her good friends pushed her back into the dating world by creating a JDate profile for her.

It took a while for us to get together; we were both moving and settling into our new lives, but the Universe conspired to help us meet. Neither of us was expecting an easy time dating. Both of us have children (Shelby has three kids ages 7 thru 16 and I have two between ages 2 and 9) and both of us had been out of the dating world for many, many years.

However, our first date was amazing. We started with dinner, and then enjoyed drinks at a local watering-hole. It was nothing short of electric! Over the next weeks and months we shared histories and were astounded at the coincidences that brought us together. No less than five separate confluences seemed to be pushing us both towards each other, without our knowledge or understanding. If I ever had any doubts about a Higher Power, the fact that Shelby and I found each other is proof enough for me. We both called out to the Universe to bring us someone to share our lives with and the Universe (and JDate!) answered our prayers!

We now have five wonderful children together, three cats and two dogs! It’s a handful, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. With our second anniversary nearly here, I am so thankful for the gift Shelby is to me. Life has not been easy since we married; we’ve moved (multiple times), experienced job loss, health issues, etc., but through it all, Shelby has been my rock… and I hers.

Happy anniversary my love! And thank you JDate for bringing us together!

Shelby and Jason
Hilton Head Island, South Carolina

Found love on JDate? Tell us about it!
  1. I am so very, very happy for the both of you. Shelby,you are gorgous and Jason – a very blessed man. Mazel Tov to you as a couple and as a family.
    “The Universe” is vast and awesome, however, it was created by G-d.
    I would encourage you to realize that HaShem – the L-rd G-d Almighty – in His omnipotent and mysterious plan – brought the two of you beautifully together. Without Him, love would have no foundation or existence.
    Be blessed, Shelby and Jason, and keep us “fellow JDaters” informed of the exciting future events of your lives together as one. You are an inspiration to the rest of us!
    Stephanie from Pennsylvania

  2. Dear Shelby and Jason:

    Mazal Tov in your second anniversary. It is so true that Ha Shem is there for all of us in the Universe. It is so good that you are so good to each other. Be strong and fight for your happiness.
    Be happy.

  3. A touching and captivating story and truly stunning photo demonstrating your happiness.
    Mazel Tov,
    God bless you and yours.


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