Shirley and Ted

Dear JDate,

cont-mt-shirley-ted-01Don’t know how detailed a story you want, so here it goes. After a year of online dating and meeting about 4 different men in different cities, I had almost given up. But one quiet gloomy Sunday, I decided to give it one more try. I got online, searched the profiles and responded to two guys. Ted responded in a couple of days–the beginning of our communication, both online and on the phone. We stayed in touch for about 2 weeks before we met, which was different than in the other cases. With my other suitors, there were usually many emails exchanged over a couple of months before we met. But Ted from Idaho was going to be on the east coast, and I said that it was too bad that he was going to be so near Ohio and that we weren’t going to meet. And he said that we could…..he had a couple of spare days and was willing to fly standby. So, I invited him to my home, (spare bedroom upstairs)… I met him at the airport, and I have to admit that it wasn’t love at first sight! We spent two days getting to know each other, and when he was getting ready to leave, he suggested we get together again. I was doing some traveling and was unsure of him, so I suggested that we stay in touch through email. This we did, and as time went on, I could see that this was a very nice guy. I thought that I should stay open to him.

cont-mt-shirley-ted-02By the time we rendezvous-ed again in Chicago two months later, we had become pretty good friends. My son had a condo in downtown Chicago, and he was staying with a girlfriend at the time, so we were able to stay at his place. It was then that the two of us really began to cement the relationship…and it was the best decision I ever made in my whole life!! We continued writing and meeting in Chicago (I was busy planning a rehearsal dinner in Chicago for my son’s wedding). Chicago was where Ted grew up, and he still had a brother in a nursing home that he would visit when we met.

I eventually took a trip to Idaho wanting to see how Ted lived. (I have a vacation home in Lake Tahoe and travel a lot. That way I stay open to meeting people outside of my area.) I found him to be very active in the synagogue, and people were very warm to me. I could see that they loved Ted very much. My certainty only increased. We became engaged a little less than a year after we met. We decided to begin our life by living in Idaho, where Ted had retired to in 1992. I was ready to leave Ohio after 67 years!…..the sun shines daily in Idaho…a rarity in Ohio!

We bought a home together and got married there in April 2000, 1 1/2 years after we met. We chose the morning of Passover for our wedding. His four children and my four children all came in, meeting each other for the first time. We all celebrated the Sedar together laterthat evening. We only had our children and grandchildren at the wedding, but in total we were 23! Some stayed in our home, some stayed in motels. It was five beautiful days of celebrating with both our families. So, here we are, married and loving each other deeply. I can’t imagine life without him and am very aware of the few precious years ahead that we hope to have together. Both of us 67 when we married–wanting to live lovingly and peacefully. We have our differences, but we both have learned not to get stuck in trivia…..we drop anger quickly, snuggle each night, cherishing each other.

Thank you, You made it possible for a nice lady from Ohio to meet a nice man from Idaho. How would we have met otherwise?!?

Shirley & Ted
Ohio and Idaho

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