Stephanie and Jay

Dear JDate,

cont-mt-stephanie-jayOn December 18, 2001, Stephanie decided to email this one boy on She was only looking for a friend since she was going to be moving down to Florida. When Jay got the email, he thought that she looked nice and would make a good friend as well. He emailed her back with one request: “Describe yourself in 19 words, no more no less.”

Stephanie thought this boy was crazy, but replied, “I will most certainly not describe myself in 19 words. There is much much more to me than that! ps. –that was exactly 19 words”

Jay knew at that moment that he had met his match.

They continued to email and talk on the phone for the next few weeks. Stephanie came down to Florida for the first week in January. They met on January 1st and hit it off instantly. In fact, when Jay came home, his mother asked, “So…what was wrong with this one?” Jay thought for a second and replied, “Nothing, she is perfect.”

Stephanie was in town for only 8 days and they spent 7 of them together. A month or so later, Stephanie moved back home to Florida and barely a day has passed since without Stephanie and Jay being together.

Stephanie and Jay were engaged on December 24 and will be married October 25, 2003.

Stephanie & Jay

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